Bringing Creativity to Young Chef Academy 7.14.23
Make mistakes. Make a mess. Make art.
By: Luisa Rinaudo
We are lucky to announce our art classes at Young Chef Academy Day program for adults with intellectual and developmental differences are off to a great start! Noelle and I have been teaching the classes for a few weeks now and the students have been creating and learning to use art as a way to self regulate.
As we continue to build rapport with our students, it has come to our attention that many of the individuals in our class have been often told that they “have to sit down and do work” and “have to sit still”. Well, Noelle and I think the opposite! We have been showing our students the importance of movement so their bodies feel ready to work.
In recent sessions, we have been seeing the comfort and ease students have with advocating for themselves by asking for breaks, utilizing the bin of fidget tools, and attending and following along so well as a result!
The take away today is this. Meet your students, your clients, your children, whoever you are communicating with where they are at in that moment. Understand that all bodies are different and some require different forms of input whether that be taking a walk, squeezing a ball, using a fidget tool, etc. Let them be adults and find the power in self advocacy!