Welcome to the Inclusive Community Collective
Free and Discounted Resources
Check out free resources for speech therapy and more! Some resources are exclusive to this group and are discounted as a thank you for being a part of the crew!
ICC Forum
Chat with other professionals in order to improve treatment outcomes, learn from one another, share information and more! This forum is strictly for professionals and requires a separate log-in as extra security. Once you have created your log in, you will be granted access to chat and exchange information with others in and around your field!
Courses and Webinars
This section is not opened yet!! Stay tuned for all that is to come!
What’s included?
The purpose of this group is to bring professionals together so we can better outcomes for our students, patients, and clients!
As a member, you have access to materials, support and more! You have access to exclusive support as a professional.
Content will be shared weekly to provide individual’s with as much access to tools to better assist our clients.
Welcome! This community is a big one! Meet and collaborate with other professions and/or parents or caregivers!